Appliance Est. Watts Appliance Est. Watts
Coffee pot (10 cup) 1200watts VCR 40-60
Coffee pot (4 cup) 650watts CD Player 35
Toaster 800-1500watts Stereo 30-100
Cappuccino Maker 1250watts Clock Radio 50watts
Coffee Grinder 100watts AM/FM car cassette 8+
Blender 300watts Satellite dish 30+
Microwave 600-1500watts Vacuum cleaner 300-1100watts
Waffle iron 1200watts Electric blanket 200watts
Hot plate 1200watts Space Heater 1000-1500watts
Frying pan 1200watts Iron 1000watts
Toaster Oven 1200watts Washing machine 920watts
Blow dryer 900-1500watts Table fan 10-250watts
- laptop
- pc & monitor
- printer-inkjet
200-400 watts
60-75wats TV - 25" color
- 19" color TV or monitor
- 12" b&w 300watts
*Refrigerator/Freezer 600watts Game Console (X-Box) 100watts
*Freezer 500-800watts *Furnace Fan (1/3hp) 1200watts
Tool Est. Watts Appliance Est. Watts
Jig Saw 300 1/4" drill 250
Band Saw 1200 3/8" drill 500
Table Saw 1800 1/2" drill 750
6 1/2" circ. saw 1000 Shop Vac 5 hp 1000
7 1/4" circ. saw 1200+ *Sabre Saw 500
8 1/4" circ. saw 1800 *Portable Grinder 1380
Disc Sander 1200 *Electric Chain Saw 14" 1200
Makita Chop Saw 1550 *Airless Sprayer 1/2 hp 600
Makita Cut Off Saw 1000 *Air Compressor 1 hp 2000
Pumps and Air Conditioners
Pump Running Starting Air Conditioner
*Well Pump 1/3 hp 750 1400-3000 *7000 BTU to 10000 BTU
Running: 1000-1500. Starting: 2200-5000.
(A/C's are a very difficult load because of the high start-up surge. Use the Locked Rotor Amps to determine the start up surge requirement).
*Well Pump 1/2 hp 1000 2100-4000
*Sump Pump 1/3 hp 800 1300-2900
*Sump Pump 1/2 hp 1050 2150-4100