A BLACK-HOLE is made up of COLD motionless
neutrons that eventually become 'Neutronium Crystals'
that are devoid of all energy and are pure ice cool matter.
(A Crystalline Lattice Matrix Made of Neutrons)
Whereas, "Neutrons In Motion" = "The Elements"
What is a single Neutron called? Well for now just think of it as a micro
black hole. A single piece of an exploded black hole, a remnant of an event.
When to neutrons or micro black holes meet in space they begin to orbit
each other and spin faster and faster. When this orbiting speed reaches the
speed of light they stabilize and form what we know as a hydrogen atom or also
called H2 or a proton. The two micro black holes contain their energy in the
form of this spinning inertia . The distance between these two micro singularities
forever caught in this orbiting embrace is VERY far apart atomically
speaking. If you hold a rock in your hand it seems large and heavy and
even solid but if you could stop the orbiting neutrons all at once it would
release all of its energy and turn into a miniscule dot of mass so small that
the only description that would accurately fit would be to call it "GONE".
If you start thinking of planets as "Made of Styrofoam" you will
start to better understand the make up of your universe.
Start to think of things as just "fluffed up" black holes or singularities and
the hidden force keeping planets from collapsing into an object smaller
than a speck of dust is the intense "speed of light" orbiting of all the
micro singularities (neutrons) that make up all higher matter.
Understand that the phrases - 'dark matter', 'singularities' and 'neutrons' are all the same partical!!!
What we call Higher-Matter or "The Elements" are simply
hundreds of different bond combinations made of neutrons
which are simply micro singularities plus the speed of their
interacting orbits (atoms). This is what accounts for the great
distances between atoms. Simply "Fluffed Up" micro singularities.
When these micro singularities gather and lock tight only then
do they lose their freedom to spin and then release their energy.
Once enough micro singularities mass together then you
have a true black hole and when it cools and is totally free
of all heat you get a Neutronium crystal and when it shatters you
get a big bang and this is the "Business Model" for the universe.
Gravity is than a simple attraction of black matter to itself and
for now lets just call gravity "Dark Matter Magnetism"
Since planets are made up off "Fluffed Up" micro singularities
of coarse you will get gravity since its made up of "Fluffed Up"
black hole material which is only Neutrons orbiting each other
at the speed of light and this energy keeps things from
collapsing. When the energy is gone they collapse.
"The Elements" = Neutrons +energy created by motion
of neutrons orbiting one another at the speed of light.
Depending on the complexity of the bond many
combinations can emerge from groups of 2 - 266
and we call those groups "The Elements"
The "STRONG FORCE" in all elements is only micro
gravity at work. Depending on the arrangement of this
powerful micro gravity bond you could get "GOLD"
if you had 196-197 micro singularities in the right 'order'.
These 'orders' are natural points of resonance or frequency
that the spinning micro singularities nest into as stable
combinations. These frequencies of the individual elements
can be clearly distinguished from each other on a spectrograph.
No wonder that the SPEED OF LIGHT is the natural speed limit of the elements and us too!
If you were inside of a spaceship made up of metals spinning at the speed of light then it
would fly apart when approaching the light-speed. Elements being held together by
orbiting at the speed of light can NOT travel faster than their orbits or KABOOM!
So back to "WHAT IS HEAT?" A Neutronium Crystal is infinitely COMPACT while
containing ZERO energy. When it shatters or explodes it creates the conditions for
Infinite SIZE and
MUCH energy. This fits the mathematical models that show
MASS and ENERGY are DIRECTLY interchangeable. Now we know the
of how this once mysterious event occurs on the grand scale.
In the universe size DOES matter and is in fact 'MATTER' itself.
As planets age the super heavy isotopes like all the Uranium
in the central core start to break down and transmute into lighter
elements like silicon dioxide (lava) and even
dihydrogen oxide (water) in some cases. This process takes up
more space causing radical expansion of matter from the ultra
heavy into a fluffy lighter matter. This takes up more space
and starts
the "EXPANSION PROCESS" of older planets with molten
cores at some point in their life cycle.
This blows up older planets like balloons and makes them "WETTER"
too. As long as the lava is flowing we have our magnetic shield
against the Suns gamma radiation. As long as this chain reaction
keeps happening within the heart of our planet we are safe from
all the Suns gamma radiation. When the process is over the core
solidifies and the planet is effectively "dead".
HAVE FUN (this video is incomplete as he does not mention the contraction periods that create the tall mountains SO remember it is not ONLY expansion but also times of contraction and that is the period we are in now so the plates are grinding downward (subduction) . That is the period in between the expansions. An expansion phase may be separated from a contraction phase by several million years so keep an open mind, this planet is really old! Watch the expansion in this video which is only part of the puzzle. The author never thought of contractions too, it is so obvious. As a species we tend to make many leaps in knowledge and then get stuck not believing the tiny details that are so darn simple!! -