Charges up at night when the wind is usually strongest!
I bought this golf cart for my wife and kids as a favor to help them get around easier on 40 acres of land. Well somewhere between the giving of this gift and the maintenance it required, it seems to have become my responsibility to keep it charged up (typical)
Well kids will be kids and this cart would sit where ever it died when the battery ran down!
After busting my back pushing this little 800 lb. beast over to the charging station week after week I finally got smart! I put a wind turbine on board!
Now when it runs out of power it's ready to go by the next morning since it's been wind charging all night long!!! The kids just hop back on and GO all day long!
I have successfully passed the responsibility for the charging of our golf cart off to mother nature and she does a really great job too! I tried solar panels too but there was not enough room on the roof for the Wattage required plus solar panels did not seem to work real good at night either
Click cart for larger photo
This cart uses our 48V turbine on its 36 volt cell. When it over charges we have one
of our SEA50 regulators setup to turn on the head lights until the power normalizes



Our Hours Of Operation Are Tuesday - Friday 11:00 AM to 7:00 PM
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Wind powered golf cart Wind golf cart charger Wind operated golf cart Wind golf cart charging
Wind powered golf cart Wind golf cart charger Wind operated golf cart Wind golf cart charging
Wind powered golf cart Wind golf cart charger Wind operated golf cart Wind golf cart charging
Wind powered golf cart Wind golf cart charger Wind operated golf cart Wind golf cart charging
Wind powered golf cart Wind golf cart charger Wind operated golf cart Wind golf cart charging
Wind powered golf cart Wind golf cart charger Wind operated golf cart Wind golf cart charging