We offer our customers the longest warranty in the industry - A full 10 years!!!!!!!!
Our Job Is Making Happy Customers! For Wind Turbine Testimonials Click Here

Wind Turbine Types -

Do you live in a SLOW, AVERAGE or EXTREME WIND area???

We manufacture a wind turbine for every possible scenario!



Hornets provide power in a very wide range of AVERAGE wind speeds.
HORNET - LOW WIND SPEED turbines with Split-Core PMA
Hornet's are designed for class 3 to 7
or AVERAGE wind zones.
Super low cost turbines!
59" diameter blade
800 Watts @ 33 MPH
1200 Watts MAX. @ 65 MPH (under load)

WIND SLAVE- Fixed direction turbines
Because 98% of prevailing winds comes
from one direction only for many people
and in many parts of the world.
For seasonal wind changes your 4x4 mounting post
can be easily remounted facing in any wind direction.

Thought you could never get a wind turbine to work in your wind starved area? Think again!
CONDOR - ULTRA LOW WIND SPEED turbines with Super-Core PMA
Condors are designed for class 1, 2 and 3 or
SLOW wind zones.
88" diameter blade
10 Watts @ 1.8 MPH
See movie of the
new ultra low speed Condor
wind turbine working!!!

See the NEW video "FRED'S TEST"

Condor V. AirX on a virtually windless day!


Q. How do you get the electricity down from the generator as it changes direction to face the wind? Would the wire get twisted without sliprings?
A. Our turbines do not have a tail that flips to the left or right in high winds so the wires can't get twisted??? This is a 70 year old misconception left over from a bygone era when ALL *36 volt electric wind turbines made in the 1930's would turn sideways for high wind protection. IF you simply use rubber welding wire (made for twisting, abrasion and tension resistance) and tension the welding wire at hard points, the welding wire will behave like a rubber band it will never be able to make enough turns to get overly twisted before it desperately wants to release it's build up tension and literally unwind itself inside the pole like a rubber band thus it is unable to get overly twisted up. It's a simple and GREAT idea who's time has come! Welcome to the the new millennium and evolution from old ideas. Todays wind turbines made with super tough fiber plastic blades make the most of a good solid wind storm and do not turn away!
Many a wind turbine manufacture has bragged about their brushless PMA's and openly admitted to the terrible dependability problems of carbon brushes in old fashioned alternator and generator heads. These same manufactures then do the unthinkable and INSTALL a set of carbon brushes into their slipring assembles and expect you to be happy about it! This is a contradiction that you need to think about carefully! Carbon brushes DO eventually wear out, sooner or later and often snap off in freezing weather. The welding cable idea is a VERY well proven idea to modern thinkers and wind turbine tinkerers alike!
Trust us when we say, "You want to buy or build a wind turbine that goes up once and you never have to think about again"
*(36 volts was a very popular voltage for old farm houses in those days)

Q. How many wind turbines will I need to run my home?
A. That is a very hard question to answer since I do not know how windy your place is. Perhaps the best thing I can do is to tell you MY personal story,
I have a 2000 sq. ft. home and we live in a class 5'ish wind zone and wanted TOTAL independence from the power company. In the real world it finally took TWO 700 lb. / 1600 amp hour / fork lift batteries and 10 Hornet wind turbines to unplug from the grid! Like everybody else I wasted lots of time and money playing around with one wind turbine, a solar cell and a bank of auto type batteries (the dummy learning years,,,,, looking back) Don't fool yourself if you can learn from a guy like me, been there, done that,,, I have made all the mistakes for you already!!!!!!!!!
I finally got it right BUT here is what it took.
Two IBE model #6-100N-33 12 volt fork lift batteries (sold DRY so you add your own electrolyte acid bought locally) 710 lbs. ea.
Total $2400.00 (IBE's Phone number is 818-767-4698 - Will last for 15 to 20 years) / 10 wind turbines 5 x HT12 and 5 x HT24 for those slow wind days
$3400.00 / ONE MSW5000 inverter hard wired to the home power panel, with the inverter mounted inside the home to radiate lost inverter heat into the home for FREE home heating $399.00 / Plus all the wire, cement and pipe and other miscellaneous stuff to mount the turbines,,,, figure about $400.00 for that.
Keep in mind that this only runs the electric end of our home. The water heater, oven, cooking top and cloths dryer are all propane
powered. In a home wired like this we do not need any 240 volt power so the 120 volt MSW5000 inverter powers every thing from the big screen TV to the lighting, computers etc, etc... Well now you really know what it takes to pull the plug on the power company.
NOW in the spring time we have NO wind for about 4 weeks. BUT for that month I pull my truck up to the fork lift battery bank,
open the hood to keep the engine cool and put HEAVY WIRE jumper cables from the truck battery to the fork lift bank and let the truck run at 800 RPM (idling) all day long. It is a Diesel truck with a BIG 9" Ford alternator and after about 6 hours the fuel gauge is seemingly still on the same spot (uses only pennies in fuel which I make myself anyhow) I charge the battery in this manner every morning and it gets us by the "windless spring" as it is now called by our family. Well that is my story! I hope I have not burst any delusions of alternative energy grandeur in your mind BUT that's the truth about wind power and GOOD family living without any blackouts! Your going to need BIG professional batteries and lots of small turbines, probably a few more than you thought you would need to really make it a comfortable home. My days of running into the AE engineering shed and playing the roll of "Scotty" the power engineer every 4 hours are over for me. I finally did it right so follow my lead and watch the Sunday games on TV without power interruptions or brown outs!

Q. Why do you recommend a HT48 of my 12 volt battery???
A. Your system would be one for a very low wind area like you are in. ALL my people in Florida use #48 turbines into their 12 volt batteries since they have
almost no wind. This will cut your amperage potential at high winds but most people have more slow wind days so they go for the high voltage/ low speed route.
Remember one thing .... There is not such thing as a 12 volt or a 48 volt PMA. The voltage they put out is linear to wind speed. A 12 volt PMA at
66 MPH wind puts out over 80 volts. Starting to get the idea?????
That's why my customers in Alaska use 12 volt turbines to charge their 48 volt banks since their wind is 60 to 80 MPH all day long out on the
islands. And my Florida customers use 48 volt turbines to charge their 12 volt banks since the wind is 4 to 9 MPH maximum for 300 days a year.
RULE # -- IT ALL DEPENDS ON WHERE YOU LIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
RULE # 2 -- There is no such thing as a PMA with a constant voltage!! Voltage it is ALL based on wind speed only and not the part #!!!

Q. What type of batteries should I buy?
A. You can buy the stuff and after 2 years throw it out and do it forever. OR buy one big fat FORK LIFT battery and be good for 20 years.
My FORK LIFT battery is rated for 8 years of life (in a fork lift) and it is still powering my home after 22 years.
Oh yes, do you want to buy 6200 lbs. of cheap lead???
I have a pile of DEAD 12 volt car batteries in my back yard.
Ahhh the mistakes of youth!
If you buy ANY other type of battery you will be sorry, take it from a 68 year old pro! Go FORK LIFT type!

Q. Do you have a good question???



Customer Comments:
This web site is right! Do NOT screw around with small battery banks people! If you are going
to run a home just bite the bullet and buy one great big 1200 lb. / 12 volt FORK LIFT battery!
My fork lift battery has been powering our home for 27 years now and still charging strong!
I feel sorry for the people using 105's or L-16's, that is a great way to go if your goal is to
create a mountain of useless lead within your life time or run out of power in the middle of dinner.
This is the best advice you are ever going to get and it is your funeral if you do not listen!
Our 12 volt /110 AC inverters can run for weeks at a time on our monster sized fork lift battery.

Good Advice For Serious Alternative Energy Users;
Wind blows day and night / rain or shine. Solar only works good for about 8 hours and day or so and that is if it's not raining or snowing.
As a rule when solar stops working the conditions are usually great for wind power! Build a mixed system with both wind and solar but don't get stingy on the wind energy side. Do yourself a favor and get at least 4 to 5 wind turbines. Putting up one turbine is a waste of time just like one solar panel is a
waste of time. Running a home on AE requires a steady 1500 to 2500 watts of input day and night assuming you already own a BIG battery or grid feeder.

How to get around those city and county inspectors that will not allow your wind turbine to go up -

For more info on spinning your power meter backwards and other grid tie systems;

See new movie of stacking turbines on single pole!















Wind Turbine Types -

Do you live in a SLOW, AVERAGE or EXTREME WIND area???

We manufacture a wind turbine for every possible scenario!


Q. Can I connect may grid feeder up directly to my wind turbines output?
A. First of all this is a question for the gird inverter manufacturer not the wind turbine company. I would generally say NO since the voltage out put is wild from a wind turbine,,, 2 volts one day and 150 volts when a wind storm hits,,,,, without a battery in-between the turbine and the grid inverter could have a nasty voltage spike that could fry your inverter.

Ohms law calculator



Hit 2103989-Times


We just sell the wind turbines and do not and have never claimed to train people to become tower installers.




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