World's Best Wind Turbine


ÝScorpion Wind Turbines
ÝGhost Wind Turbines
ÝFireBird® Wind Turbines
ÝWind Slave Wind Turbines
ÝCommandor® / 11 blade
ÝWatt / Amp Meter
ÝHappy Customers
ÝWind Farm and Grid Tie
ÝInstallation guide / AC
ÝSolar only $1.00 per Watt
ÝBlades / Propellers
ÝMounting Brackets &Tails
ÝBattery Regulator
ÝDC water heating elements
ÝElements Low Voltage
ÝHot water thermostats
ÝMarine Coating System
ÝHydrogen Gas Detector
ÝPMA's & Parts
ÝSlant Core PMA
ÝPower Core PMA
ÝSuper Core PMA
ÝMANTA 10 HP electric motor
Ý4 hp DC Volt electric motor
Ý3 hp 12 VDC motor
ÝWind Turbine Testimonials
ÝOhms law calculator
ÝAC / DC Calculator
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Ý2011®© Disclaimer



 12,000 Watt 110/220 split phaseVAC with 48 volt input

 8000 Watt 110 VAC / four outlets with 12 volt input



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